Tuesday, July 15, 2008

se la vie!

i hear some interesting stuff around the office - i guess that's one of the only beneifits of the placement of my cubicle. anyway, i just heard our payroll lady [who i think has been at this place for over 30 years] exclaim, "i found it! i found the last one! i knew it!" - now you may be wondering what she found, and i'll tell you. she found the last tootsie roll in the fish-bowl of candy. the very last one.

now i may be overly cynical [corporate america will do that] and perhaps with a bit more caffeine and i, too, could be as easily excited. i highly doubt that though. i just finished cup number three.

anyway, like i said, se la vie.


Em said...

that is awesome! i guess it's the small joys that count. it reminds me of charlie. he gets so excited about the smallest thing, like seeing his smiling face in the mirror. :)

anjer said...

that little pumpkin is 5 months old. seeing his own face should be the highlight of his day.

the payroll lady has got to be in her sixties. maybe even late sixties.

so maybe, the way i should approach this is that the payroll lady is on the same maturity level (well, maybe a little bit more mature) than charlie?

you've brought up an interesting point, em. but your sentiment is the same, it's the small things.