Monday, September 29, 2008

an equation with a lovely sound

zooey deschanel + m. ward = she & him

love it!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"suitable" observations

a few weeks ago, whilst perusing my closet in a haste to find something to wear and make it out the door on time, i stumbled upon [seriously, time to organize the walk-in] my collection of suits [sidenote: now the title seems cleaver and not lame, eh?]. said collection sits to the far right of the closet, hidden by a tall rack of shoes, each piece covered in a plastic sheath - so one can understand how this collection could easily be ignored. well, that, and they haven't fit in i'm-not-even-sure-how-long. anyway, needless to say, i threw one on [not literally] and was out the door feeling quite pleased the brown-pinstripe [a personal fav] fit again [yay!] and was actually comfortable [no longer tight on the tummy]. so i went through the day and only a few people asked if i had a job interview, to which i would reply "yeah, yours" and continue on with my business [which seems a lot more important to the observer when one is wearing a suit]. that night i hung-up the brown-pinstripe and decided i'd try on the remainder of the collection to see what fit [a couple didn't but i'm still working on it so they will, eventually] seeing as how i am now a fan of the suit. for various reasons. including, but not limited to:

*people take you seriously
*crazy/drunk/homeless people on the train don't talk to you and allow you to read in peace - and yes, i've seen drunk people on my way to work - at 7:45ish in the a.m.
*they fit again so each wear is a personal triumph! at least until the novelty wears off
*compliments, people, above-average amounts of compliments
*takes the guess-work out of planning an outfit - all you gotta do is coordinate the shoes and the top - possibly the jewelry if you gave yourself enough time to get that far [this one is the best]
*and so on and so forth...

someone once told me that if you want to get ahead in the corporate world, you gotta dress to the next level... i'm not sure where i was on the scale before, but forget about it - i've taken it to the top level - the suit level. and it feels pretty damn good. you know what else would feel pretty damn good? a raise and/or promotion - but patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait. and why not finish this off with one more cliche seeing as how i'm on a roll: if you look good, you feel good. enough said.

Monday, September 22, 2008

a good, relaxing weekend

in spite of having to come into work at midnight on friday [to move chairs/set a room for 6000 until 3:30ish in the am] i had a very enjoyable weekend. nothing incredibly eventful happened. ate some delicious sushi on friday with a friend, slept in past noon on saturday [which i did not feel guilty about seeing as how i didn't make it to bed until 4:00am], bummed around town with my mom [you may remember her from my last post], watched some movies in her bed [al was outta town, otherwise that might seem a little odd], did some sewing on sunday, and attended my grandpa's 80th birthday party sunday night. then, i woke up to overcast skies and a slight drizzle - my fav. so anyway, it's been a good day for a monday.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the chicago extravaganza [still dancing letters, mind you]

chicago is by far my favorite city in the uS. before new york and before san francisco. there is just this ambiance of lovely that i cannot seem to capture with words or pictures, so you'll just have to take my word [and lack thereof] for it. i had the pleasure of spending four days in the windy city [which was far more wet than windy] with my mom and we had such an amazing time. i just gotta set the record straight here and say that my mom is the best in the world. you may think yours is, but you are wrong. beth wins hands down. she even has a trophy that says so!

we saw wicked... which i absolutely LOVED! how could you not?! the costuming alone was phenomenal - i pictured walking into a room full of bolts and bolts of these incredible fabrics and was just awestruck - that must be what heaven is like - but back to the trip... we shopped, i ran in a tropical storm called ike [maybe you've heard of it?] while mom waited and cheered me on [also drenched], shopped some more, saw a few movies, ate great meals, and finished it all off with more shopping. which is quite an accomplishment seeing as how my mom not a shopper... at all! so i'd just like publicly thank her again for being such a great sport! and thank her again for loving me enough to take a cab to to the other side of town [the castro district of chicago, if you know what i'm sayin ;)]just to go to the g-star store. see, like i said, best mom in the WORLD!

now its back to work and the grind ... i'm totally struggling for motivation. more coffee, please.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

not much to say...

... i haven't really had anything blog-tastic happen lately and i've been quite busy with work so i do apologize to all my faithful readers [all 4 of you] for the lack of posts. i should have something to write about after this weekend's chicago extravaganza [when i say that i picture the letters in "chicago extravaganza" wiggling and dancing around - not sure why - but it does make the phrase much more interesting to look at]!

something un-noteworthy but i'll tell you anyway: yesterday i scored a whopping 17,220 points in bejeweled... a personal record. and they wonder why i'm single.

soooooo - that's all i got. i'm working on various projects for and i'll let you know when the shop is a go-go and you can tell all your friends and i can make millions and retire and hang-out and get massages and drink coffee on a porch swing and la-dee-dah-all-day-long-just-because-i-can, just like the lovely beth belt... ah, daydreams!

anyway, in the words of heidi klum: "auf wiedersehen"