Tuesday, September 15, 2009

yeah! yeah yeah yeahs!

sunday was awesome. the only thing that could've made it any better would have involved 16 miles, my ipod, water and cliff bocks... i digress, so back to the awesomeness...

yeah yeah yeahs in the venue!!

the photo is not the best, as it was taken with my phone, but the show was outstanding... i love karen o. i love her voice, her wacky fashion, her ability to spew water out of her mouth as if it were a fountain, etc. etc. etc... they played a lot from the first two albums and the is is ep, which are my favorites, so honestly the only thing that i can complain about is the venue. but i'd rather not. it's lunchtime and i'm hungry.

1 comment:

Barby_with_a_Y said...

I'm a huge fan, too! High five!