Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"suitable" observations

a few weeks ago, whilst perusing my closet in a haste to find something to wear and make it out the door on time, i stumbled upon [seriously, time to organize the walk-in] my collection of suits [sidenote: now the title seems cleaver and not lame, eh?]. said collection sits to the far right of the closet, hidden by a tall rack of shoes, each piece covered in a plastic sheath - so one can understand how this collection could easily be ignored. well, that, and they haven't fit in i'm-not-even-sure-how-long. anyway, needless to say, i threw one on [not literally] and was out the door feeling quite pleased the brown-pinstripe [a personal fav] fit again [yay!] and was actually comfortable [no longer tight on the tummy]. so i went through the day and only a few people asked if i had a job interview, to which i would reply "yeah, yours" and continue on with my business [which seems a lot more important to the observer when one is wearing a suit]. that night i hung-up the brown-pinstripe and decided i'd try on the remainder of the collection to see what fit [a couple didn't but i'm still working on it so they will, eventually] seeing as how i am now a fan of the suit. for various reasons. including, but not limited to:

*people take you seriously
*crazy/drunk/homeless people on the train don't talk to you and allow you to read in peace - and yes, i've seen drunk people on my way to work - at 7:45ish in the a.m.
*they fit again so each wear is a personal triumph! at least until the novelty wears off
*compliments, people, above-average amounts of compliments
*takes the guess-work out of planning an outfit - all you gotta do is coordinate the shoes and the top - possibly the jewelry if you gave yourself enough time to get that far [this one is the best]
*and so on and so forth...

someone once told me that if you want to get ahead in the corporate world, you gotta dress to the next level... i'm not sure where i was on the scale before, but forget about it - i've taken it to the top level - the suit level. and it feels pretty damn good. you know what else would feel pretty damn good? a raise and/or promotion - but patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait. and why not finish this off with one more cliche seeing as how i'm on a roll: if you look good, you feel good. enough said.


Mrs B said...

You always look good, so I bet you look spectacular in a suit. Sometimes I wish I had places to wear nice things. Jeans & tees are pretty much my wardrobe, but every once in a while I, too get to the back of the closet & find something exciting & even more so when it fits! And then I wear it to Target.

Em said...

we need a picture now, anj, you hot mama.

anjer said...

jaime: haha - there's a target in ogden?!

em: how kind, i'll get on those mirror-reflection self-photos stat.

Mrs B said...

Is there a Target in Ogden?? P'shaw. Of course. Riverdale, actually, but a mere 5 minute jaunt, therefore a frequent time (and $)-suck. Must teach Mr. P early that Wal-Mart is the devil.

Lumpy said...

always like checking out your blog. you make me laugh

Lis said...

Hee hee - the "yours" thing made me laugh out loud. What an appropriate and hilarious response :)

Congrats on back closet clothes fitting - there is nothing better practically.