Monday, September 22, 2008

a good, relaxing weekend

in spite of having to come into work at midnight on friday [to move chairs/set a room for 6000 until 3:30ish in the am] i had a very enjoyable weekend. nothing incredibly eventful happened. ate some delicious sushi on friday with a friend, slept in past noon on saturday [which i did not feel guilty about seeing as how i didn't make it to bed until 4:00am], bummed around town with my mom [you may remember her from my last post], watched some movies in her bed [al was outta town, otherwise that might seem a little odd], did some sewing on sunday, and attended my grandpa's 80th birthday party sunday night. then, i woke up to overcast skies and a slight drizzle - my fav. so anyway, it's been a good day for a monday.


Em said...

sounds like a fun time. are your muscles all recovered from chicago? how was grandpa's party? we're sad we missed the big event.

anjer said...

muscles yes - and thank you for asking. the party was a lot of fun - with your parents there i believe you were well represented, but of couse it would have been more fun with charlie - i mean all of you - there! :)

Em said...

haha. ya, we know that we could send him on the plane alone for christmas and all would be happy. :)