Thursday, January 15, 2009

for the WIN!

if the fact that it would've hurt me more than it would've hurt the machine hadn't been a factor this morning, i totally would've punched the treadmill.

it was just one of those cardio jams where you're watching the clock the whole time and no matter what is streaming through the pod, all you can think is "am i done yet?!" ... it turns into a continual battle with the self over giving-up or just keep going... and it's totally not fun. i really like fun. also, i forgot to take a hit off my inhaler beforehand so i think the lack of breathing-ease may have had something to do with my attitude... well that, and my bed was just OH SO COMFY today [and since i rarely type in caps i hope you see the serious emphasis i just made].

regardless, i saw it through and it ended not a moment too soon. sometimes these types of runs actually make you think, "wow, i'm so glad i did that." but not necessarily today. i'm glad i did it, yes, but mainly because i won't have to think about the fact i didn't do it all day long... make sense?!

so in other news... i won the war over cheese fries last night! yesss! this is honestly something i should get an award or some kind of recognition for... delicious training table cheese fries stared me in the face and i managed to politely look but not touch. i'd like to think that my sweet dinner partner was doing this in my best interest, you know, to see just how strong i was... i'd like to think he thought something along the lines of "wow, she's so strong! look at that will power! i didn't think it was possible but she looks even sexier with that fork of lettuce near her mouth!" alas, i'm sure those thoughts never even came close to entering his head [with the exception of the sexy part]. needless to say, his meal looked much more appetizing than mine... how could it not, really? hawaiian burger and cheese fries vs. wilted-iceberg-lettuce "salad"?!?! ... whatever. i still won this time! and had he ordered the dipping sauce it just might have changed the entire outcome of my decision not to partake in the gooey-deliciousness-that-are-the-training-table-cheese-fries... but thankfully for me, he's a simple ketchup-only kinda guy... so thanks, barowdwngs, thanks...


Barowdwngs said...

Yep. I do what I can.

Say the word and we'll take you out for another text... maybe we can find something better than those gross fries with the yucky cheese.

catchup. It's the 5th food group.

anjer said...

Yeah, OK... Because these feats of strength are "fun"... like I said, I like fun...

Don't you ever try to test me with tiranasu, though, that would just be downright mean.