Monday, January 12, 2009

in living color

at lunch today i was told i was wearing too many colors... what?! well yeah, that can happen and i've seen it happen... but not to me. also, i was quite pleased with my color combination today so this comment caught me a bit off-guard and was completely unwarranted. if trying to be nicer and talking less crap weren't two of my new years resolutions, you would see a much longer rant here... alas, i have resolved... for now at least.

here's a picture to prove that my color choices were, indeed, kosher and not excessive by any means:

cream dress, orange coat, blue gloves, grey tights, brown boots...


Em said...

i def approve sassy gal.

Mrs B said...

Definitely not too many colors. Can I have your wardrobe when you give me that cute hat?