Wednesday, October 15, 2008

its time

its time for me to tackle the round-brush. i have never been coordinated enough to use a round-brush without dropping the blow-dryer, dropping the brush, or getting either tangled into a hairy-mess. but no more! i vow to get it down! big, sexy hair seems to be making a come-back and its a good think i've neglected to do anything with my 'do for the past, oh, six months [with the exception of the occasional bang trim or color - i've got the nilsson premature gray thing goin on]... 'lucky' are those who were on the big hair bandwagon since it began - no new skill to learn for you [way to go, mom]!


Lima Bean said...

I hear you on the premature gray thing. I also am facing that and am horrified everyday when I look in the mirror. I need a new stylist and I need her to only charge me $20 for a cut and color. Yeah right.

Mrs B said...

Hair. Blech. Mine eternally sucks. When you master the round brush maybe you can lend me some instructions, as I too, struggle.