Monday, November 24, 2008

shoulda, woulda, coulda...

they say hind-sight is 20/20 and i guess i gotta agree. although these mystical "they" say a lot of things that i often ignore. anyway - lets continue...

today i'm wearing these awesome tights that i bought when i was in rome, and if i could do it over again [hence the hind-sight schpill] i'd buy like 10 pair. honestly, the best tights ever. according to the color code, these tights are color 336633 [here] and are seriously opaque. you'd be surprised at how hard it is to find quality leg wear that is seriously opaque. and i think they were only 5 euros - so $7.50ish. that's half what the american apparel wants for their on-par hosiery*.

so if any of my five readers are traveling to europe anytime soon, pick me up some tights and also that bike helmet [here] you'll be handsomely rewarded with a giant smile from me! and maybe some cupcakes.

*i have a 15% off friends & family coupon code for the american apparel so leave a comment if you want it.

1 comment:

Em said...

hey girl! what's new? so i have a good friend that lives in switzerland and if they have the same tights there, i'm sure she'd be happy to send some to you. let me know the deets if you're interested.