Wednesday, November 12, 2008

you know what they say about payback

here's a follow-up to this. this sh*t happened twice this morning. TWICE! i go in to refill and lo-and-behold, the pot is empty. needless to say, this didn't make me very happy. so, being the considerate coffee drinking co-worker that i am, i made another pot. the first time. then, i went back for round three, and what do i see? an empty pot. so you know what i did? i decided to fore-go the third cup and brew these lovelies another pot. but instead of only putting in five scoops of coffee, i put in eight. that's some seriously strong [not to mention seriously gross] coffee. chomp on that [which they probably will, seeing as how it will be super think] you inconsiderate-coffee-drinking-non-making jerk[s].

ugh. now i'm going downstairs to the CVB where they understand the unwritten coffee-drinker etiquette and actually brew decent coffee.

good day.

1 comment:

Lumpy said...

not cool...your posts always make me laugh