Saturday, December 6, 2008

doo bee doo bee doo

as i'm continually seeking out new music and examining my ever-evolving [not to mention eclectic] tastes - i've noticed a theme. it's no question how i feel about the arcade fire and as i was listening to radiohead's in rainbows today it dawned on me just what that theme is: i really, really, really love the inclusion of classical music & orchestral instruments in modern "rock". this might have something to do with my time spent on the viola in fifth, sixth, and seventh grades, but i'm really not quite sure. regardless, there is a certain appeal of the versatility, not to mention beauty, with this integration of classical instruments.

anyway, after this "aaahhhhh - that's what it is" moment, i remembered this youtube video from a couple years ago. this guy is amazing. what's the deal with asians and their unnatural talent?!


Barowdwngs said...

I played the viola as well. Let's here it for classical.

anjer said...

vivA! vivA la violA!

hey, do you think you could still read the sheet music? there's no way i could. it was a difficult transition from the piano to viola sheet music, if my memory serves me correctly.