Sunday, December 14, 2008


i had a weird craving that just had to be satisfied today. its kinda chilly outside, but i walked to the grocer to purchase some lucky charms and a pint of milk. i honestly have no idea where this craving came from, but god bless that man who came up with this cereal. and god bless my ability to get to the store sans car. i guess stranger things have been known to happen, just not usually to me.

charm on!


Em said...

can't wait to see what happens when you're pregnant someday. :)

Unknown said...

What a great way to spoil yourself on a snowie Sunday!! They were always your favorite when you were little! Connecting with the inner child?

anjer said...

"someday" being the operative word there, em. and with my luck, i'll probably hate peanut butter when i'm "with child". that's almost reason enough not to have any! just kidding, mom.