Sunday, December 28, 2008


one: december is by far the most blog-o-riffic month i've had. i think i'm at something like thirty posts... this blog thing goes in ebbs and flows, so i guess its a good think i'm taking advantage of the holiday "down time".

and two: i went to buy some new jeans yesterday, not that i needed them, but because i was feeling festive. i went to urban blues on 33rd south where they sale designer denim at discount prices - i highly recommend checking this place out - they have gear for guys too! so as it turns out, i wear two sizes smaller than i thought! you can imagine what that did for my psyche the rest of the day... needless to say it was a good day.

and three: i hope you all had a wonderful christmas, filled with fun and laughs and plenty of treats... i know i sure did!

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