Sunday, December 21, 2008

girl talk

gregg gillis + macbookpro = girl talk

i'm going to be brief about this and give you the idea, link to his myspace, and allow you to take it from there.

anyway, girl talk mashes up indie/pop/hip-hop and creates not only an outstanding dance-party, but also some pretty sweet beats to run to [yes, i did just say "sweet beats"]. i've seen this guy and his computer a couple times at the urban lounge, and i can tell you this: no one, not one person, leaves the place not dripping in sweat [no exaggeration] and also, reeking of cigarette smoke. these shows were some of my favorite nights of '07 and '08. and just as a sidenote: girl talk insists on being part of the crowd - at the first show i saw, he pulled the table off the stage and into the middle of the floor. a tarp covered his computer to protect it from the amount of sweat that was flying through the air.

so his latest album, feed the animals, is available as a "pay what you want" download. much like radiohead did with in rainbows. so you really have no excuse not to check it out. but listener beware, a parental advisory for explicit lyrics is included [sorry, mom].

linky link:
take me to the girl talk myspace page so i can see for myself this dance-tasic dude anji speaks of

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